

雅典州立大学 began its institutional mission in 1822 as a small, 女子学院, 建立在少数人的梦想和许多人的渴望之上. 从那四间教室的简陋校舍开始, the institution that we know today has grown to attain a level of significance that shows dreams can come true and that knowledge changes lives.

2022年,bwin中文网庆祝了建校200周年. bwin中文网的200周年庆典, 雅典永远, honored the historical significance of the University as a private academy, 卫理公会学院, 现在是一所州立大学. bwin中文网经历过难以置信的高潮, 经历了重大的逆境, 并展示了很少有人能想象到的弹性水平. 当bwin中文网沉浸在历史中, we are focused on the future and educating a diverse population of students as we enter our third century of operations.